The Neurophysics Group of Jordi Soriano-Fradera studies collective phenomena in neuronal cultures, i.e. tissue from the cortex or hippocampus that is dissociated and plated on cover glasses.
Our research is oriented towards the understanding of the mechanisms that originate and maintain spontaneous activity, the relation between this activity and the underpinned circuitry, and the resilience of this activity to physical damage or chemical perturbations. In collaboration with medical teams at Hospital Clínic and Hospital de Bellvitge we also investigate neurodegenerative diseases 'in vitro', by comparing healthy and diseased circuits and investigating the action of drugs or genetic treatments to cure the diseases. We work in Sanfilippo, Huntington, Parkinson and Alzheimer.
In our lab we use a multi-culture platform to simultaneously prepare different cultures. Their activity is monitored through high-resolution, high-speed calcium imaging, finally procuring the individual traces of thousands of neurons whose analysis sheds light on the collective mechanisms shaping neuronal network activity.
- October 11th, 2019. The project MESOBRAIN celebrates its 3rd aniversary!
- September 23rd, 2019. New press release of our "CAIXA HEALTH" project in Alzheimer's.
- September 15th, 2019. The "CAIXA HEALTH" project in which we participate has been awarded! Official press release. Our project is an multidiiscplinary effort between IBEC, UBICS, IDIBELL to model and treat pathologies linked to the Tau protein in Alzheimer's.
- September 9th, 2019. Jordi lectures is the summer school "Summer School in Computational and Theoretical Models in Neuroscience", and supervises reasearch activities of 8 students.
- August 4th, 2019. Jordi's group particpates in the Latin-american Network Science Conference (LANET 2019) with two invited talks.
- July 10th, 2019. Jordi presents his research in the workshop/school "The 4th workshop on Advanced Methods in Theoretical Neuroscience", held in Göttingen, Germany.