
The Neurophysics Group (based at the Faculty of Physics, University of Barcelona) is led by Jordi Soriano, associate professor, and with background in experimental biophysics and complex dynamical systems.


From left to right: Gemma Viscasillas, Ana Arché, Dr. Adriaan Ludl, JS, Lluís Hernández, Estefanía Estévez, Dr. Sara Teller (August 2018).


PI: Jordi Soriano, associate professor.

Affiliations: Departament de Física de la Matèria Condensada, UB.

                   Universitat de Barcelona Institute of Complex Systems (UBICS).



Present PhD students:


- Paul Spitzner (Göttingen, Germany). Studies the impact of spatial embedding in network collective activity and avalanche statistics. 


- Marc Montalà (Barcelona). Investigates the richness of activity fronts in engineered neuronal circuits. 


- Estefanía Estévez (Madrid). Within the MESOBRAIN project, studies dynamics and effective connectivity in 2D and 3D engineered neuronal cultures.



Past members:




- Adriaan A. Ludl (2016-19). Postdoc within MESOBRAIN to develop data analysis tools to infer effective connectivity in 3D cultures. Present position: Bergen University (Norway).


Daniel Malagarriga (2017). Postdoc associated to IDIBELL with the task to develop numerical models for understand aberrant dynamics in circuits affected by Parkinson's disease.


Sara Teller (2016-18). Postodc within MESOBRAIN to devise neuroengineering tools for 3D neuronal cultures. Present position: Science and events manager at UBICS.


Javier G. Orlandi (2015-16). Postdoc within "La Marató" project and MESOBRAIN to develop the NETCAL platfform and robust tools for connectivity inference in healthy and diseased neuronal circuits. Present position: RIKEN Institute (Tokyo, Japan).


PhD students:


- Lluís Hernández (2014-18)
Theoretical and experimental approaches far the initiation and propagation of activity in spatially embedded neuronal cultures.
Director: J. Soriano.

Present position: Postdoc at Institut d’Investigacions biomèdiques Agustí Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS, Barcelona).


- Elisenda Tibau  (2013-17)
Linear and nonlinear approaches to unravel dynamics and connectivity in neuronal cultures.

Director: J. Soriano.

Present position:high school teacher.

- Sara Teller (2012-16)

Functional organization and network resilience in self-organizing clustered neuronal cultures
Director: J. Soriano.

Present position: Science and events manager at UBICS. 





Jordi Soriano Fradera

Dept. FMC, office 6.16

Facultat de Física, UB

Av. Diagonal 645

E-08028 Barcelona, SPAIN

Telf: +34 934020554

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