The Neurophysics Group (based at the Faculty of Physics, University of Barcelona) is led by Jordi Soriano, associate professor, and with background in experimental biophysics and complex dynamical systems.
PI: Jordi Soriano, associate professor.
Affiliations: Departament de Física de la Matèria Condensada, UB.
Universitat de Barcelona Institute of Complex Systems (UBICS).
Present PhD students:
- Paul Spitzner (Göttingen, Germany). Studies the impact of spatial embedding in network collective activity and avalanche statistics.
- Marc Montalà (Barcelona). Investigates the richness of activity fronts in engineered neuronal circuits.
- Estefanía Estévez (Madrid). Within the MESOBRAIN project, studies dynamics and effective connectivity in 2D and 3D engineered neuronal cultures.
Past members:
- Adriaan A. Ludl (2016-19). Postdoc within MESOBRAIN to develop data analysis tools to infer effective connectivity in 3D cultures. Present position: Bergen University (Norway).
- Daniel Malagarriga (2017). Postdoc associated to IDIBELL with the task to develop numerical models for understand aberrant dynamics in circuits affected by Parkinson's disease.
- Sara Teller (2016-18). Postodc within MESOBRAIN to devise neuroengineering tools for 3D neuronal cultures. Present position: Science and events manager at UBICS.
- Javier G. Orlandi (2015-16). Postdoc within "La Marató" project and MESOBRAIN to develop the NETCAL platfform and robust tools for connectivity inference in healthy and diseased neuronal circuits. Present position: RIKEN Institute (Tokyo, Japan).
PhD students:
- Lluís Hernández (2014-18)
Theoretical and experimental approaches far the initiation and propagation of activity in spatially embedded neuronal cultures.
Director: J. Soriano.
Present position: Postdoc at Institut d’Investigacions biomèdiques Agustí Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS, Barcelona).
- Elisenda Tibau (2013-17)
Linear and nonlinear approaches to unravel dynamics and connectivity in neuronal cultures.
Director: J. Soriano.
Present position:high school teacher.
- Sara Teller (2012-16)
Functional organization and network resilience in self-organizing clustered neuronal cultures
Director: J. Soriano.
Present position: Science and events manager at UBICS.